Galaxy s4 sync all contacts to google update#
Galaxy s4 sync all contacts to google how to#

Samsung Fascinate :: Facebook - Can't Get Profile Pics To Sync Up With Contacts.Samsung Captivate : Can I Sync Contacts To Their Facebook Page?.Samsung Epic 4G :: How To Get Facebook Photos To Sync With Contacts?.Samsung Captivate :: Facebook Contacts Wont Sync.Samsung Captivate :: How To Get Facebook To Sync Contacts?.Samsung Epic 4G :: How Do I Get My Contacts To Sync With Facebook?.Samsung Epic 4G :: My Facebook Contacts Won't Sync To My Contacts.General :: Galaxy S4 - Facebook Account Won't Sync With Contacts?.that my Facebook account was checkmarked! View 1 Replies

Checked in Contacts - Menu - Display Options.

NOW I saw ALL my facebook contacts on my screen! Next screen showed me my facebook account- Pressed it Enabled Sync (the two arrows in the white cirkel spinning around indicating sync) Held my finger down to the home screen for 2 seconds to add a Android widget - Power control. Made sure I saw the two arrows in the white cirkel spinning around indicating sync. Added facebook account again with SNS settings (syns interval) set to once a day. Removed facebook app and facebook account from Settings-Account and Syng.rebooted phone. Samsung Galaxy S : How To Sync Facebook Contacts Aug 17, 2010